Time has passed since its 1933 cinema debut: (King) Kong, the ferocious beast became a good hero when the feelings began to resurface, and, he reluctantly abandoned the jungle. The city now seems to have become home, whether New York or any other city. Giovannoni’s Kong is surprisingly technological and almost human. It’s out of scale to be a toy, out of scale to be a lamp, but it is also out of scale to be a gorilla. Kong becomes a powerful object, with an adjustable arm to direct the light beam at different angles, infinitely adjustable and with countless uses. Above all, Kong is no longer scary thanks to the designer’s imagination and creativity.

Kong lamp is ready to bring a new light to the urban jungles around the world. Scenic and massive, he carries a torch that, with an adjustable arm, directs the light beam at different angles, illuminating both indoor and outdoor locations. A gorilla took over your living room! But nothing to fear about, Kong is a sensitive and meek soul encapsulated in a floor/table lamp that will know how to make itself useful, illuminating all your greatest moments.